Welcome to Guiding Hands Preschool!


Our goal at Guiding Hands is to provide a caring and loving Christian environment for your child's early learning experience. 

Guiding Hands Preschool believes that children are a special gift from God, therefore we are guided by God's Hands.  We believe children learn by doing and by example.  Our program emphasizes Christian principles to help children to grow spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it."              Proverbs 22:6


Guiding Hands Preschool Teacher:  Ashley Schweninger

Phone: 763-441-2555     E-mail:  guidinghandsemmanuel@gmail.com

Facebook: Guiding Hands Preschool



Class Schedule

3,4 & 5 Year Olds 

Two Day Class

Monday & Wednesday 

9:00 - 2:00pm

Two Day Class

Tues. & Thurs. Mornings

9:00 - 2:00 PM


2024-2025 Registration Forms




Early Learning

- Christian values emphasized

- Pre-kindergarten skills learned

- Class size limited to 10

- Hands on learning

- Introduction to sign language

- Development of writing skills

- Introduction to music

- Introduction to math

- Introduction to science

- Motor skills development

- Field trips

- Guest educators visit the   classrooms





School Supply List:

*School will provide pencil cases*

Crayola washable markers
16 Count Crayons


Plastic folder

Classroom Supplies:
small paper plates
disinfecting wipes

Backpack with extra set of clothing

For more information please e-mail:

guidinghandsemmanuel@gmail.com or 

Call  (763) 441-2555
